Friday, 11 November 2016

Technical Debts

What is technical debt?

Well for me its the following:
  • Any code / product written in a hurry.
  • Any code / product written with out tests.
  • Any code / product written with out peer review.
  • Anything made as a work around.
  • Anything made with the attitude of "fix it later / post"

I am not saying that technical debts don't happen, they do and the bigger the project the bigger the technical debt.

Just remember to document it and keep it available as it has to be paid back sooner or later.

And just like with any debt financial or otherwise try and pay it back as early as possible as the interest will continue to grow and payback will be harder.

With fix it later its been my experience later never comes. And work around...... Well they become the fixes.

Is there away of avoiding technical debt?
Not really. Technical debts have the habit of creeping in when we are in a tight spot in our delivery of the project where quality is diminished in favor of meeting the deadline and it usually is a team unconscious decision.