It is often that this comes out in “The business doesn’t let me in to do analysis on their business”, altough this may be true in some cases the fundimendal question I often find myself asking is, What kind of architecture is the Entreprise needing?
There is sometime appropriate to only do Technology Architecture rather then the full stack, sometimes you need to do it backwards, start with projects /opportunities. There isn’t one structure way of doing this.
The biggest thing we as Architects (Enterprise, business, information, technology) will need to realise is the business will be in diffrent places within the maturity when it arrives on our desk, the project will be in a diffrent maturity places along with the team members.
So what do we do?
We aim to deliver value as soon as possible, avoid analysis paralysis and do just in time deliverables. While doing this we go the extra mile and demonstrate value in other domains.As an example:
Working on a fairly major migration program I realised that the business was looking to me only for guidence and roadmaps on the technology landscape including risks, gaps and issues. While delivering this I used the information gleemed from the technology analysis to also produce a Business Services impact Information and this demonstrate how this technology landscape will impact the services the business offers to internal and external customers.
This allowed me to open the door to have a more meaningful conversation with the business itself on the coming changes and help them build a plan for training, communications and mitigations to the impact the migration project was going to cause.